Asset management & Logistics
We optimize the quality and use of assets throughout their life cycle, increasing production uptime and reducing operating costs.

We govern the IMAC (Install-Move-Add-Change) process of the asset life cycle, thanks to the acquisition of all strategic information relating to: the life cycle, their stock status, location, configuration , assignment to corporate users, contracts, maintenance, guarantees and divestments.
Integrated Logistics
An integrated logistics system is a real ecosystem within which information, skills, platforms and tools converge that in traditional companies find their place in places and functions that are often very distant from each other. From order management to warehouse management, passing to document conservation, the integrated logistics architecture includes a multitude of elements that can only be orchestrated if the organization has reached a sufficient maturity in terms of digitization of processes related to Supply Chain Management , as is the organization of MVS.

Ons advies is altijd synchroon met uw strategie
MVS Multivendor Service staat garant voor efficiëntie dankzij de meertalige 24/7 servicedesk, logistieke distributie, leasing services, technische koerier diensten en europees dekkend netwerk van technici aangestuurd via onze kantoren in Amsterdam, Londen, Parijs, Milan, Rome en Lugano.